Why is Spinal Stenosis Surgery Necessary?

August 14, 2017

Spinal stenosis is a condition in which the spinal canal starts to narrow, putting pressure on the spinal cord and the nerves that travel through the spine to the arms and legs. It occurs most often in the lower back and the neck. Though there are numerous nonsurgical treatments and exercises available to keep the pain at bay, surgery may be required in the following situations:

Severe pain for a long period of time
Various non-surgical treatments have been tried and failed
Loss of sensation in arms or legs or decreased motor strength in arms or legs
Difficulty in standing or walking
Loss of bowel or bladder control
Radiculopathy (a medical term used to describe pain, numbness, and tingling in the arms or legs)

If you are facing any of the above situations, you need to consult an experienced spine surgeon Florida who can explain the benefits, risks, and recovery time of the operation.

Is Spine Surgery a Good Option to Treat Back Pain?

August 14, 2017

Are you tired of trying a number of treatments to ease your back pain, but haven’t achieved the desired results? If you are suffering from chronic back pain, a minimally invasive spine surgery may be the best, safest and most effective alternative to traditional open back surgery.

In a minimally invasive spine surgery, the surgeon usually makes a less than 1-inch incision in the neck or back without disturbing the surrounding muscles and tissues to access the spine. Compared to traditional open back surgery, the recovery time is shorter in a minimally invasive spine surgery. Additionally, you can save on the extra expenses of a lengthy hospital stay.

Before you plan a surgery with a particular spine surgery specialist Palm Beach, ask yourself, how does the surgeon make you feel, do they listen to your questions, and do they provide easy to understand advice. You can also ask for other people’s opinions including patients and physicians. This will surely help you to determine whether or not a particular surgeon is right for you.

3 Most Popular Types of Back Surgery

August 14, 2017

Most people who get back surgery often experience benefits like moving around better, improved fitness, better mood, decreased intake of pain medicines, and more productivity at work. These are the 3 most popular types of back surgeries:

Spinal Fusion Surgery
A spinal fusion is a procedure that involves the permanent fusion of two or more vertebrae for more stability and bone growth. The surgeon usually harvests small pieces of bone from the patient’s hip or pelvic bone and places them between the vertebrae. In certain cases, they also use rods, screws, wires, or metal plates to provide immediate stability.

Lumbar Laminectomy
A lumbar laminectomy is a surgical procedure in which bone is removed from the lower spine to relieve pressure on the spinal nerve. This procedure is highly effective in alleviating pain caused by neural impingement that can result from lumbar stenosis.

Also known as microlumbar discectomy (MLD), microdiscectomy is a procedure performed to reduce pain for patients with a herniated disc. A surgeon usually removes the herniated portion of the disc (the jelly) and any broken disc fragments that are putting pressure on a nerve root.

If you are looking for a back surgeon West Palm Beach for any kind of surgery, make sure to check the surgeon’s qualifications and experience with the spine surgery you are considering.