Infographic: How to deal with Back Pain

July 26, 2019

This infographic titled ‘Consider These Things before having Spine Surgery in Florida’ tells you what you should do in case of back pain. It details the steps you should take when you experience back pain and what you should ask a professional before going in for surgery. The infographic is aimed to help you make an informed decision.

Steps to take in case of back pain

Identify: Identify the pattern of your pain, where and when it occurs, its intensity and how it feels. Understand your pain.

Meet the doctor: Start looking for a good orthopedic specialist in your locality. Give the doctor an honest and complete account of your pain.

Diagnosis: The doctor will tell you to give you a diagnosis and tell you if you need surgery. You now need to decide if the surgery is important.

Meet a surgeon: If surgery is recommended, you have to start looking for reputable spine surgeons in Florida. A surgeon will tell you about the best procedure for tackling your condition.

Take a second opinion: Spine surgery is serious. So, don’t hesitate in seeking a second opinion from a board-certified spinal surgeon.

What to ask

If surgery seems the best course, you must start preparing for it. Before you agree, ask your doctor the following questions:

  • What is the cause of my pain? How did you reach this diagnosis?
  • What type of surgery do you recommend and why?
  • Can you explain the procedure in detail?
  • What are the non-surgical options I can try?
  • How long will this surgery last?
  • What are the risks associated with this surgery?

These queries are designed to elicit all the information regarding the surgery and help you make an informed decision. If you want to know more about what you should do in such cases, read the infographic below.

Infographic: Types, Symptoms, and Treatments for Back Pain

July 22, 2019

This infographic titled ‘Types of Back Pain That You Should Not Ignore’ explains the different types of back pain, their symptoms, and common treatment. Lower back pain is a very common condition. In fact, most of us have suffered some type of back pain at one point or another. But most back pain goes away with simple measures and some rest. If the pain does not go away, back pain may be the only option to treat the underlying problem and reduce the pain.

There are usually four ways back pain appears in the body:

  • Dull, aching pain.
  • Muscle spasms and tightening in the lower back.
  • Stinging, burning pain that moves from the lower back to the back of the thighs.
  • Pain that worsens after prolonged sitting or standing.

If you are experiencing any of these, you know you have back pain.

Symptoms and treatments of lower back pain:

The treatment will depend on the type of pain, and its duration. There are four types of pain:

  • Acute pain: This type of pain lasts a few days or weeks and can usually be treated with physical therapy. A therapist will correct your posture and help to correct the alignment by simple physical manipulation.
  • Subacute low back pain: This type of pain can last anywhere between six weeks to three months. When pain seems to be lasting for six weeks or beyond, you should visit an orthopedic specialist. Such pain may require a minimally invasive procedure.
  • Chronic back pain: Pain will last more than three months indicates a deeper problem where surgery may be the recommended option. It could range from a minimally invasive procedure to operative surgery.

For more information, please check the infographic below.

Spine Surgery in Florida

June 28, 2019

Many people are afraid to get spine surgery. With major advancements in surgical techniques and surgical equipment, spine surgery isn’t as complicated a procedure as people used to perceive it to be. Patients who have been suffering from chronic lower back pain have the option of having spine surgery to provide them with permanent relief for their ailments.

If you suffer from lower back pain and most non-surgical methods of treatment have failed to provide you with any relief, then finding a spine surgeon Florida would the best step for you to take. Before finding a surgeon, however, you must make sure to get a proper diagnosis to understand the nature of your condition and the best methods of treatment.

Once the spine surgeon has made a thorough assessment of your condition, only then should you consider spine surgery Florida to treat your condition. Speak with your surgeon about all of your doubts so that they can reassure you on your decision. You should receive information on the procedure as well as the recovery period. When choosing a surgeon, choose an experienced one who has performed the same surgeries successfully.

Permanent Treatment for Your Lower Back Pain

June 28, 2019

Constant back pain can cause serious discomfort if it is left untreated. You should visit a specialist who will assess your back issues and provide you with a proper diagnosis. Although back pain is common, experiencing lower back pain West Palm Beach regularly is not and can cause permanent damage if you do not seek help.

In most cases, the best treatment depends on what the cause is behind the pain. After finding the issue, finding proper treatment is much easier. If the damage to the spine is minimal and the back pain is still in an early stage, therapeutic treatments may be enough. However, if therapeutic treatments, massages, and physiotherapy sessions do not provide relief to your lower back, your specialist may recommend surgery to treat your spine.

Although you may be hesitant about spine surgery, you should still visit a specialist to see what options you have available to you. Due to the advancement in technology, surgery can be more effective than any other treatments. Even if your back pain is minimal, you should still visit a specialist to ensure that there is no serious underlying issue.

Planning Spinal Surgery in Florida?

June 28, 2019

Thanks to significant advancements in surgical procedures due to the improvement in technology and equipment, spinal surgery is what it is today. Patients with an extensive history of back pain due to injury in the spine can now get permanent relief from surgical treatment. However, before deciding to undergo spine surgery in Florida, you should have knowledge of the procedure and explore your options before deciding on this procedure.

When you visit a spine surgeon Florida to discuss your spinal condition, the doctor will first take scans of the affected region and analyze the results. Based on the assessment, the spine surgeon may suggest a surgical procedure or other resources for you to consider.

Before deciding on spine surgery, you must understand the procedure as well as the risks associated with it. If you find that the surgeon you are visiting has already performed these spinal procedures and has good reviews, then you can speak with them about moving forward with the process.