What is a Microdiscectomy and why is it performed?

January 27, 2017

To remove a ruptured or herniated disc, a surgical process known as microdiscectomy is used. The surgery is commonly performed to treat herniated discs, but removal or replacement of the disc is not necessarily required. The treatment is generally recommended if traditional treatment to cure the spine pain fails.

How does a herniated disc occur?

A herniated disc is caused when the nearby spinal nerves cause pressure on the disc. As a result, the disc is torn and starts spilling some of its internal material into the spinal canal. As a result, the condition becomes very painful. Herniated discs usually occur in the lower spine and the pain is mostly felt in the buttocks, lower back, and legs.

A Microdiscectomy is performed to remove a disc that is causing pain. The procedure uses one of these two methods:


Traditional microdiscectomy

Minimally invasive microdiscectomy

A traditional microdiscectomy requires a large incision in the back, whereas a minimally invasive microdiscectomy only uses a small cut to remove the damaged disc.

To find the best Laser Microdiscectomy Specialist in Florida it is recommended to review the past history of your surgeon. This will help you to decide the most suitable surgeon for your spine surgery.

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