When You Should Seek Medical Attention for Lower Back Pain

May 31, 2019

Back pain is common. In some cases, there are home remedies you can try to relieve the pain; however, if the pain does not go away, it may be time for you to consult with a lower back pain West Palm Beach specialist.

If you are experiencing back pain, you should seek medical attention to make sure there is no serious underlying issue. Additionally,you should schedule an appointment with a specialist if:

Your back pain has not improved, even after a week of rest and applying hot or cold packs.
You are experiencing weakness.
You feel numb or a tingling sensation in one or both legs.
The pain is constant or very intense, especially when you lie down.
You are having unexplained weight loss.
You are experiencing any accompanying swelling or redness.

Most people will visit their primary care physician, whom of which will most likely refer you to a lower back pain West Palm Beach specialist.

If the back pain you are experiencing was caused by an accident, you must get immediate attention. You need emergency care if:

Your back pain was caused by an accident or injury, including sports injuries and falls.
You have developed a fever.
You are experiencing bowel or bladder control issues.

In these circumstances, you should seek treatment immediately. These are signs of a more serious injury and a professional will be able to determine whether you are suffering from any severe injuries to your back or spine.

Infographic: Spine Fusion Surgery

July 18, 2018

The infographic, “Spine Fusion Surgery in Palm Beach,” explains spine fusion surgery and its recovery period.Spinal fusion is a surgical procedure where one or more of the vertebrae of the spine are joined together to stop them from moving against each other. READ MORE

Infographic: Pros and Cons of Back Surgery

July 17, 2018

The infographic below explains potential benefits and risks associated with back surgery. All treatment and outcome results may vary depending on other factors of the individual patient. READ MORE

3 Essential Steps for Recovery After Spine Surgery

July 9, 2018

Spine surgeries are serious operations. Along with the surgery, the after-care is just as important. After a spine surgery Florida, there are some practical, but essential steps that one must follow for a successful recovery, such as: READ MORE

How to Handle Lower Back Pain

July 6, 2018

Most people usually ignore the first twinges of lower back pain. In some cases, it may be due to bad posture; however, you should still visit a specialist. While the pain may be minor, it could be a sign of something more serious, especially if you are experiencing this pain frequently. If you are experiencing lower back pain West Palm Beach, here are a few habits to consider that may help to keep your back pain at a minimum: READ MORE